19 th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT 2023)
September 17 – 21, 2023 | Prague | Czech Republic
Conference starts in
Dear thermoelectricians,
More than twenty years ago, we met in the Czech Republic at the 5th European Workshop on Thermoelectrics, hosted by the University of Pardubice in 1999.
These workshops have turned into conferences and since 2004, European scientists involved in thermoelectricity research and development have gathered annually in many beautiful places on the European continent to share their latest discoveries and results in this field.
It is a great pleasure for us that the European Conference on Thermoelectrics will return to the Czech Republic in 2023. The European Thermoelectric Society has honoured us by hosting the 18th European Conference on Thermoelectrics. The conference will be held under the auspices of the University of Pardubice in cooperation with the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
We cordially invite you to the mother of cities, Prague, the beautiful and vibrant capital of the Czech Republic. Prague will welcome you not only with its historical centre, but also with its modern infrastructure. The conference centre is easily accessible by air and train. At the same time, it is located close to the historical centre - Prague Castle.
Come and enjoy friendly the scientific communication and beautiful historical Prague.
We look forward to seeing you!
Čestmír Drašar - co-chair (University of Pardubice, Czech Republic)
Jiří Hejtmánek - co-chair (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)

Latest News
Book of Abstracts ECT 2023
Publication in a special issue of Solid State Sciences (Elsevier)
Conference Dinner ECT 2023
Public transport from Prague Airport to OREA Hotel Pyramida
Invitation to the Round Table
Final Programme
Preliminary programme
Deadline for abstracts submission postponed to April 30, 2023
Registration open
Information for Sponsors/Exhibitors
Pre-registration opens on February 1, 2023
Plenary & invited speakers

Plenary Speaker
G. Jeffrey Snyder
Northwestern University, Chicago, USA
Interface and Grain Boundary Effects on Thermoelectrics

Plenary Speaker
Kanishka Biswas
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India
Enhanced Atomic Ordering Leads to Ultra-High Thermoelectric Performance

Plenary Speaker
Takao Mori
National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan
Development of enhanced thermoelectric materials and viable devices

Plenary Speaker
Ernst Bauer
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Half and Full-Heusler alloys: thermoelectricity beyond Bi2Te3

Invited Speaker
Johannes de Boor
Institute of Materials Research, German Aerospace Center, Kologne, Germany
Mg-based thermoelectric generators for near-room-temperature applications: Device manufacturing and strategies for further improvement

Invited Speaker
Anthony V. Powell
University of Reading, United Kingdom
Structure-Property Relations in Ternary Copper Sulphides for Thermoelectric Applications

Invited Speaker
Eric Alleno
East Paris Institute of Chemistry and Materials, France
Multiscale phonon scattering in thermoelectric Fe2VAl

Invited Speaker
Krzysztof Wojciechowski
AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
The Concept of the Composite Thermoelectric Materials with Attuned Electronic Structure and Mismatched Phonon Structure (AES-MPS)

Invited Speaker
Bo Brummerstedt Iversen
Aarhus University, Denmark
In operando X-ray scattering studies of degradation mechanisms in high-performance thermoelectric materials

Invited Speaker
Peter Skjøtt Thorup
Aarhus University, Denmark
In operando X-ray scattering studies of degradation mechanisms in high-performance thermoelectric materials

Invited Speaker
Stéphane Pailhès
Institute Light and Matter, Lyon, France
Phonons and thermal properties of complex crystals

Invited Speaker
Jean-Pierre Fleurial
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
The Next Generation RTG Project – Rebuilding the Past and Preparing for the Future

Invited Speaker
Sylvie Hebert
CNRS and ENSICAEN, Caen, France
Thermoelectricity and magnetism in selected oxides and chalcogenides

Invited Speaker
Eleonora Isotta
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA
Microscale Imaging of Thermal Conductivity Suppression at Grain Boundaries

Invited Speaker
Maria Ibáňez
Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Invited Speaker
Anke Weidenkaff
TU Darmstadt & Fraunhofer Research Institution, Alzenau, Germany
Circular Thermoelectrics and Green Innovations for Sustainability

Invited Speaker
Neophytos Neophytou
University of Warwick, UK
Electronic transport simulations in complex band materials beyond the constant relaxation time approximation

Invited Speaker
Fabian Garmroudi
TU Wien, Austria
Unlocking high thermoelectric performance in metallic NiAu alloys via inter-orbital scattering

The conference will take place in OREA Hotel Pyramida.
OREA Hotel Pyramida - modern facilities near the places where history was made
You can visit the nearby Strahov Monastery and it takes just a 15-minute walk to the Loreta, Prague Castle and St. Vitus Cathedral. From there you can continue down the Neruda Street to the Temple of St. Nicholas, over the Charles Bridge and Old Town Square to the Astronomical Clock and through the charming streets of Prague to Wenceslas Square, the centre of endless shoppings, cafés and restaurants.
Thanks to its strategic location, OREA Hotel Pyramida is the ideal venue for local and international events. Just a 15-minute drive from the airport, the hotel offers peaceful accommodation and a relaxation centre with a swimming pool, sauna, and fitness centre.
Bělohorská 24, 169 01 Praha 6
GPS coordinates:
50.08558589758908, 14.379615640680806

The conference offers the opportunity to present the development of traditional and new thermoelectric materials from the macro to the nano scale, theoretical modelling, new device design and applications in cooling and power generation. The conference will consist of sessions with plenary and invited talks, from oral communications and poster sessions.
The following TOPICS will be addressed during the conference:
- Thermoelectric Materials & Processing (bulks, thin films, low-dimensional structures - oxides, chalcogenides, full/half – Heuslers, silicides, tetrahedrites, organic & hybrid materials, etc.)
- Theory & Modelling (first principles-based modelling & predicting of thermoelectric materials and/or modelling & design of thermoelectric devices, artificial intelligence for materials discovery)
- Measurement & Characterization (advanced characterization techniques of thermoelectric materials/compounds and thermoelectric devices, standardization)
- Thermoelectric Devices & Applications (cooling, power generation, sensors, waste heat recovery, medical applications)
- Emerging Topics (thermal management, liquid thermoelectrics, transverse magnetogalvanic effects, interface effects, etc.)
This conference is also opened to other relevant and perspective topics.
Download here.
TOPIC to download here.
Preliminary Schedule
15:00 - 20:00 | Registration, Welcome Drink (18:00-20:00)
08:00 - 12:00 | Registration
09:00 - 09:15 | Conference Opening
09:15 - 10:00 | Plenary Lecture 1
10:00 - 10:30 | Invited Lecture
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 | Lectures Session I, II, III
12:30 - 14:00 | Lunch
14:00 - 14:30 | Invited Lecture Session I, II, III
14:30 - 15:30 | Lectures Session I, II, III
15:30 - 16:00 | Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30 | Lectures Session I, II, III
09:00 - 09:45 | Plenary Lecture 2
09:45 - 10:15 | Invited Lecture
10:15 - 10:45 | Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:15 | Lectures Session I, II, III
12:15 - 13:45 | Lunch
13:45 - 14:15 | Invited Lecture Session I, II, III
14:15 - 15:15 | Lectures Session I, II, III
15:15 - 17:30 | Poster Session 1 with wine&snack
09:00 - 09:45 | Plenary Lecture 3
09:45 - 10:15 | Invited Lecture
10:15 - 10:45 | Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:15 | Lectures Session I, II, III
12:15 - 13:45 | Lunch
13:45 - 14:15 | Invited Lecture Session I, II, III
14:15 - 15:15 | Lectures Session I, II, III
15:15 - 17:30 | Poster Session 2 with beer&snack
19:00 - 22:00 | Conference Dinner
09:00 - 09:45 | Plenary Lecture 4
09:45 - 10:15 | Invited Lecture
10:15 - 10:45 | Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:15 | Lectures Session I, II, III
12:15 - 13:45 | Lunch
13:45 - 14:30 | Round Tabel Session
14:30 - 15:00 | Farewell
Call for paper
Conference language - English
Talks (incl. discussion):
Plenary talk – 45 minutes
Invited talk – 30 minutes
Contributed talk - 15 minutes
Size - max. 841 x 1189 mm, vertical orientation
Authors instruction (download here)
Abstract template (download here: *doc./*docx.)
Publication policy
All abstracts of lectures and posters received before July 17, 2023 will appear in electronic version of Book of Abstracts.
Oral presentations and selected posters will be considered for publication in a special issue of Solid State Sciences (Elsevier) after a standard peer review process. If you wish to publish your conference contribution, submit you manuscript at the submission website: https://www.editorialmanager.
To ensure that the manuscript is correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue, it is important to select Article Type "VSI: Advances in thermoelectrics" at the beginning of the submission process.
The deadline for submission is 30.10.2023.
Students Award
All student contributions will be automatically included in contest for Student Award. The best student poster will be awarded by valuable price.
Students not wishing to participate are kindly asked to inform the Organising committee by registration upon arrival.

Dates and deadlines
On-line application opened | February 1, 2023 |
Abstracts submission opened | February 1, 2023 |
Abstracts submission deadline - postponed | April 17, 2023 April 30, 2023 |
On-line registration opened | April 17, 2023 |
Confirmation of acceptance | May 31, 2023 |
Early registration - end | June 17, 2023 |
Preliminary programme | July 17, 2023 |
Regular registration - end | August 17, 2023 |
Final programme | August 17, 2023 |
Conference | September 17-21, 2023 |

Accommodation is not included in the registration fee.
The conference organizers have pre-booked accommodation capacity
in OREA Hotel Pyramida****
(https://www.orea.cz/hotel-pyramida, show on the map)
The participants are kindly asked to make their reservation on their own.
The reservation link is:
The rates are quoted in CZK. Displayed prices in other currencies are only informative and approximate. The hotel will use the hotel exchange rate in case of payment in EUR.
For prices and cancellation see the hotel website.
Please be aware of the limited pre-booked accommodation capacity (guaranteed until July 31, 2023) and book your room as soon as possible.
Participants are also free to find accommodation by themselves.
We recommend in the vicinity of the conference venue:
OREA Hotel Angelo Praha****
Hotel Monastery****
Lindner Hotel Prague Castle****
Hotel Wilhelm***
Apartments PRAHA 6
DownTown Suites Bělohorská
Charles University in Prague,
Dormitories and Refectories

International Committee:
Jan König (Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques, Germany)
Marisol Martin Gonzalez (National Center of Microelectronics, IMN-CNM (CSIC), Spain)
Carlo Fanciulli (Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry and Technology for Energy, ICMATE-CNR, Italy)
Dario Narducci (Dept. of Material Science, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Yuri Grin (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany)
Franck Gascoin (Laboratory of Crystallography and Material Science, National Graduate School of Engineering and Research Center, France)
Emmanuel Guilmeau (Laboratory of Crystallography and Material Science, National Graduate School of Engineering and Research Center, France)
Alexander T. Burkov (Ioffe Institute, ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Theodora Kyratsi (Powder Technology Laboratory, University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Bertrand Lenoir (Dept. of Material Science and Engineering, University of Lorraine, France)
Eckhard Mueller (Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, DLR Institute of Materials Research, Germany)
Antonio Pereira Gonçalves (Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technology, University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Krzysztof Wojciechowski (Dept. of Inorganic Chemistry, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)
Local Committee:
Čestmír Drašar - co-chair (University of Pardubice, Czech Republic)
Jiří Hejtmánek - co-chair (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic)
Jiří Navrátil (University of Pardubice, Czech Republic)
Karel Knížek (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic)
Peter Baláž (Institute of Geotechnics , Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia)
Petr Levinský (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic)
Patrik Čermák (University of Pardubice, Czech Republic)
Kateřina Čermák Šraitrová (University of Pardubice, Czech Republic)
Jan Zich (University of Pardubice, Czech Republic)
Darina Bouzková (Concrea, s.r.o., Czech Republic)

Conference Chairman
Čestmír Drašar
Institute of Applied Physics and Mathematics
Faculty of Chemical Technology
University of Pardubice
Studentská 95
532 10 Pardubice
Czech Republic
phone +(420) 466 036 036,
fax +(420) 466 037 311
e-mail: cestmir.drasar@upce.cz
Conference Dinner

The registration must be performed only via the personal user account
(button: create an account/login, item "Registration").
The registration fee can be paid by bank transfer or on-line by credit card.
Both options (terms of payment in form of pro-forma invoice and/or payment gateway) are in user account available, after completing the registration.
The conference fee includes access to the scientific sessions, conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches and participation at all social events.
Cancellations and refunds
The registration fee will be refunded (with a deduction of 10 % to cover the handling costs) when participation is withdrawn in a written form before August 17, 2023. No refund will be granted after this date.
Visa invitation letter request
If you would like to receive a letter of invitation, please contact us at info@thermoelectric-conference.eu.
Application for pre-registration and abstract submission opens on February 1, 2023.
Registration opens on May 1, 2021.
Early registration |
Regular registration |
Late/on-site registration |
Full registration fee |
660 |
710 |
1000 |
Student fee (incl. PhD. students, age limitation 35 years) |
410 |
550 |
700 |
Accompanying family member* |
200 |
200 |
300 |
∗ The conference fee includes participation at all social events (except for the scientific programme, lunches and CBs)
Fees include 21% VAT
Approximate exchange rate: 1 EUR ̴ 23,00 CZK (100 CZK ̴ 4,35 EUR)
Sponsor/Exhibitor Information
Organizations are invited to attend as a sponsor/exhibitor at the 19th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT 2023), September 17th to September 21th 2023. The conference will be held in Hotel Pyramida (Orea) in Prague. Come meet with professionals in the thermoelectrics and materials research field and share with them your product or service.
A limited number of exhibition places available. Sign up early to secure your space.
We offer two packages to sponsors/exhibitors (which reflect the bipolar world of thermoelectricians), but these can be customized/negotiated to suit the needs of the sponsor/exhibitor. Sponsors can also opt for specific sponsorship opportunities such as sponsoring a welcome reception, lunch/coffee breaks, having banner display and more.
For more information, please contact us at thermoelectric-conference.eu or by e-mail at cestmir.drasar@upce.cz.
“Thermoelectric” fees for exhibition space
“Hot sponsor/exhibitor”
By June 17th, 2023: EUR 1660
By August 17th, 2023: EUR 1710
Starting August 17th, 2023: EUR 2000
Each exhibit space includes:
- Identification sign
- Skirted table with two chairs
- One full access attendee registration
- Organization listing on the ECT 2023 website with a link to the Sponsor’s homepage
“Cool sponsor/exhibitor”
By June 17th, 2023: EUR 2660
By August 17th, 2023: EUR 2710
Starting August 17th, 2023: EUR 3000
Each exhibit space includes:
- Identification sign
- Skirted table with two chairs
- Two full access attendee registration
- Organization listing on the ECT 2023 website with a link to the Sponsor’s homepage
- One 15-minute contributed talk within the scientific program
Extra exhibitor booth personnel passes can be purchased for $500 (USD) per person.
Promote your business with us and turn your "hot" money into "cool" performance. The exhibition space (tables 1-9) is located in the hall where coffee breaks will take place. See attached plan.
Beginning of exposition: Monday, September 18th
Supported By


NETZSCH Česká republika s.r.o.

Associazione Italiana di Termoelettricità - CNR

ON Semiconductor Czech Republic, s.r.o.

DTG – Deutsche Thermoelektrik-Gesellschaft e.V.

Quantum Design GmbH




Le Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique en Thermoélectricité (GIS-TE)
Why should you sponsor our conference?
ECT 2023 - The European Conference on Thermoelectrics will address new developments in thermoelectric conversion of heat to electricity and vice versa. Its 19th edition will be held in Prague from 17 to 21 September 2023. The conference is organized by the Faculty of Chemical Technology of the University of Pardubice and the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in cooperation with CONCREA s.r.o.
This conference is an annual gathering of approximately 300 European and international experts, scientists, entrepreneurs and companies involved in the field of thermoelectricity and beyond. It offers a platform for sharing the latest discoveries, insights and linking the latest basic research findings with industry.
One of the important goals is to provide a platform for young and promising scientists and students who, by participating in the conference, have a unique opportunity to present their scientific work and at the same time consult its further direction with a number of world experts.
Given the scientific focus of the conference, we believe that you will find the cooperation with the organizers and the opportunity to support the thermoelectric conference interesting. At our conference you will have a unique opportunity to introduce your company to world experts and to establish new contacts and cooperation.